We departed from Caracas at 7:15am to take a bus to Barquisimeto. This is the picture in front of the church in Caracas
The bus ride took 6 hours. We stopped here in the middle of the trip
When we arrived at Barquisimeto we were greeted by two of their brothers.
They tooks us to this mall and we ate Venezuelan food
We also went to a store to get some underware and some shirts.
Then we visited the church and they treated us for dinner cooked by the sister's. I say that I had one of the best chicken for a long time (these ones are patio, free roaming). They were tough but the taste is incomparable.
After that we had a sharing time were we share about our church history and organization. They had a lot of questions about how that knowledge will apply to them. The most pressing issue is that they seem to lack a vision of where their church is going. They have been in existence for 17 years and things are always the same year to year. Pastor Stanley, Dr Wan and Leo shared some very helpful insights about what to do.
For my part, I had some time with their youth which consist of 3 guys and one girls. They want to learn to play worship music well. They were very excited that Kenny and I can help them refine their skills. We are having a session on Wednesday. Hopefully this will turn out fruitful to them.
Hi Virigina,
They did not share :-) Pastor Stanley and Vincente is still wearing their day one shirt. They should at least exchange shirts...:-)
Looks like Chicken Fried steak to me in the picture..
Hope the team is OK and May God give all of you the energy to do HIS work. We will have Family Fellowship tonight (all men are serving tonight because of Mother's day tomorrow), we will remember you all in prayer...
Hi Team,
Joey said that you were eating chicken fried steak, is that right? It is Stanley's favorite. :-)
Praying for you all.
Good to be able to hear the latest. It's like we are on the trip with you, but not really. We will be thinking of you all as we lead worship tonight at CF.
Yall take care and get some rest when you can la...drink lots of water.
Awesome blog, Vincent & Kenny. You did a great job in updating us about your journey in VZ. I'm sure that you all will be blessed as much as you blessed the people over there. BTW, your picture of the char-siu-bow and cheung-fan made Ed's mouth waters!
Have a safe journey home.
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